Apparently, the school district of Sedalia, Missouri has taken the lead in the competition for most ignorant (or spineless) education officials. (there is a link to the original story at the end of this post)
Reportedly, after religious-based complaints, the district has confiscated $700 worth of t-shirts, with images making a parallel between the evolution of brass musical instruments and the evolution of Homo Sapience.
It is understandable that the school district wants to avoid confrontation with religious parents but their argument that "the district is required by law to remain neutral where religion is concerned" is false and frankly, idiotic. Even if it was not, they have not remained neutral. They have simply complied with the religious parent's request. To support its argument, the district have said that it would have done the same if the shirt had made a reference to religion. This is another stupid thing to say, since as PUBLIC school district they have no choice in that matter and are obligated uphold the US Constitution which clearly says that religion should be separate from state.
But the falseness and stupidity of the district's argument is beside the point, because The Theory of Evolution is not religious by nature. The only religious aspect of it is that a religious dogma is contradicted by it. Also, Sedalia's school district's claim for neutrality is a wash, even if unintended - not allowing references to human evolution is not the same as not allowing religious references. The difference is that religious references are unconstitutional if allowed in a PUBLIC school while scientific ones are not.
Lastly, why all offended by science don't send their children to private schools or home school them and stop trying to replace science with religion? Whoever doesn't like science, shouldn't be messing with it. I'm all for elective school district tax - whoever does not want their kids to go to PUBLIC school should have the option not to pay tax and send their kids to whatever school they want, home school them or keep them out of school. I'm tired of hearing how they pay taxes, which (they think) gives them the right to redefine science. If they want to do that, let them go do it on their own.
The Original Story (click here to show/hide)