It's official - Dick Cheney has more respect and admiration for Rush Limbaugh than for Colin Powell. This weekend on CBS he stated that if he had to pick between Colin Powell and Limbaugh, he'd choose Rush.
Like an addict in denial, the Republican party has been struggling to identify the reasons why people are growing increasingly hesitant to side with them on elections. They have been tirelessly working on the "new face" and the "new message" of the party, and still can't quite understand how to make the conservative agenda more appealing to moderate voters.
Here are a few hints, coming from a non-partisan perspective:
- Don't publicly insult a decorated general of the United States Arm Forces, by putting him second to an out-of-control drug addicted shock-jock, who makes living by deliberately antagonizing the public.
- If you are trying to reach moderate voters, tone down (best - get rid of) the radicalism.
- Try being constructive and positive. Talk is cheap - any fool can sit on the sidelines and yell insults. People follow leaders who roll up sleeves to build something of value instead of endlessly complaining.
To paraphrase the former vice-president: If I'd have to choose a leader I'd have to go with Sanity and Moderation.
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